so, i was at a dinner party last night and there were people i didn’t know at the table, and therefore required some social mingling.  and the thought always occurs to me when meeting someone new – what are all the things and interests you have that makes you who you are.  i mean, i know i have tons of interests, likes & dislikes, and that sort of defines me as a person.  so, as i’m talking to this person, i like to dive straight into, “hey, what do you like to do in your spare time?”  and undoubtedly, there is something about that person that i can identify with or that they do and i’ve always wanted to do.  and then the small talk ends and real conversation begins.

continuing with my focus on different finn characters, this week we focus on elle for a bit.  even myself, i wondered, who is elle?  sure, she’s finn’s girlfriend, but what else do we know about her?  so, hopefully this sunday strip highlights some of elle’s hobbies.  art-wise, each panel actually represents its own challenge, from the senior citizen volunteer work to laying out by the pool, to reading a zombie book.