INKtober – days 6-10
as you can probably tell by now, i’ve been drawing from Esquire magazine for my subjects. at first, i just wanted a good fashionable piece to draw from, but then i decided, why not make the entire month of Inktober with some style!
as the days went on, i realized i was working on my ability to shade in ink by varying the thickness, the space between, and the direction of the ink lines. as you can notice with Day 6, i think it worked particularly well by drawing the lines i the direction the skin contours to. another takeaway for me was – don’t be afraid to add more detail. for me, sometimes i get into this mindset that what i’ve drawn is good and i don’t want to ruin it with a line (ink, nonetheless!) that may ruin it. well, in keeping with the spirit of Inktober and the whole premise of finncomics, i need to experiment!
below are Days 6 through 10. enjoy.
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