i first started hearing about Inktober a few years ago from the awesome Skottie Young, when i bought one of his digital books, The Adventures of Bernard the World Destroyer, that contained 31 inked pieces of art that combined to tell a short story.  apparently, Inktober was started by a guy named Jake Parker, an illustrator and comic book artist who has worked for lots of major companies and movies, such as Horton Hears a Who, Rio, and Epic.  the rules are pretty simple – for the entire month of October, produce some drawings at a regular and consistent pace (i.e. everyday, every other day, every 5th day, etc.).  that’s it.

so, this year, my annual art jamm week coincided with October 1st.  thus, i decided to participate.  below, are my Inktober pieces for days 1 to 5.  enjoy, and come back to see how the rest of the month goes!

day01 day02 day03 day04 day05