does jealousy a direct correlation with trust?  i mean, if you have tons of trust, does that mean there won’t be much jealousy?  and on the flip side, the more jealous you are, the less trust you have with each other?  i would think so but i’ve known couples that are fantastic together and both share a high level of jealousy, even though they trust each other.  so, maybe it’s just what you do with that jealousy.  do you make a big deal out of it or do you keep it healthy.  as with most emotions, it becomes a good emotion or a bad emotion depending on what you do with it.

pretty simple but i’m pretty happy with the art for this week.  definitely not trying to make art coming out of the panel a regular thing but thought it worked great.  and i’ve been using live models a lot more (maybe to the point i become dependent on them!) which i think helps a lot.  hence the more realistic finn pant legs and relaxing.  enjoy!