i think we’ve all realized (those of us that are old enough!) that technology definitely helps ease the ability to communicate but every once in awhile, it actually gets in the way of just having fun, of just living life.  the example that comes to mind is like when you’re at a party, and you spend half the time just trying to reach somebody on their cell, or sending update texts.  don’t get me wrong, i’m def guilty of the occasional twitter update.  i’m talking about spending your entire time just on the phone trying to coordinate and get to someone.  i imagine what it was like back in the 60’s when people just showed up at a party and actually participated.  again, if i was in the 60’s, i’d still probably be standing by myself next to the artificial plant… i just wouldn’t be tweeting about it!

i can’t help it.  i can’t help spilling the artwork over the borders!  it’s just so much more dynamic!  and this week i try to add more depth to the world of finn, with this week’s focus on owen.  you may notice, i’ve decided to make owen practically the only character in the strip with actual muscles (no skinny arms!).  the challenge to myself continues, to not be afraid to experiment with the characters.  there’s more to come!