this happens to me pretty frequently – when the day just blurs together.  so many things to do in one day that by the time you goto bed, it just seems like the day flies by.  so, how do we make time slow down?  not do anything?  i don’t think that works cause there are plenty of days where i do nothing and they fly by too!  so, what’s the key?  to be honest i don’t think there is one.  in fact, if your day flies by, i think that’s a testament that you are doing something you like to do all day.  if you were bored all day, time slows down!  so, i say, look back upon your day and see if it went fast or slow?  if it’s fast, then you’re doing something right.  🙂

got a little playful with photoshop to help tell the story, in regards to the motion blur between the activities of the panels.  not sure if it really gets my point across but i’m still learning!