so, how much should a person support and take part of the partner’s hobbies and interests?  what if you just don’t like to do that activity?  then throw in how busy life is and how much time can you spare at the expense of other activities.  the answer could be pretty simple.  do as much as you can without being miserable.  if that’s “one unit” of that event, then that’s it and hopefully that’s enough.  if it’s “ten units,” even better.  you never want to lie or build up any resentment, but how much can it really hurt to spend time with your loved one?  when it comes to Lord of the Rings (or Battlestar Galactica or Games of Thrones), there’s always time!

ok, i thought this week’s idea was hilarious.  did i lay it out well enough to tell the story?  not sure.  the idea is Elle is just walking when she walks in on Finn putting in Lord of the Rings.  she knows Finn is going to ask her to watch it, hence she runs away.  how did i do on the story boarding?